AP 3-D Art

and Design

  • Pre-requisites for this course are ceramics 1, ceramics 2, and instructor approval

  • coming soon

  • coming soon

  • Sustained Investigation—Section 1

    15 digital images; some may be details or process images | 60% of portfolio score

    Students will submit images and writing to document their inquiry-guided investigation through practice, experimentation, and revision:

    15 digital images that include works of art and design and process documentation.

    Typed responses to prompts, providing information about the questions that guided their investigation and how they practiced, experimented, and revised, guided by their questions.

    Selected Works—Section 2

    Digital images of 5 works | 40% of portfolio score

    Students submit digital images of their work and commentary online to demonstrate skillful synthesis of materials, processes, and ideas:

    5 works with commentary identifying the materials, processes, and ideas used.

    Works may come from the Sustained Investigation section, but they do not have to.

  • AP 3-D Art and Design

    5: 7.0%

    4: 24.0%

    3: 41.0%

    2: 23.0%

    1: 5.0%

More Info

  • College Credit Oppurtunites

    The equivalent to an introductory college level 3-D Design Course, a passing score typically grants 4-8 units (roughly 1-2 semester courses).

    (Click to see Full List of AP Credit at Colleges)

  • Course Synopsis

    “AP 3D design is a ceramics-based AP course that guides you through a variety of artmaking methods and investigations that offer students an opportunity to develop their individual aesthetics

    Course Practicalities:

    - students will create a minimum of 20 works of art

    - wheel throwing

    - hand building

    - glaze chemistry

    -technology integrations

    - digital portfolio

    Barbie Savagepiasecki

  • College Majors

    For those considering:

    - visual arts major

    (Click to see the College Board’s list). 

 Unfortunately, Complexity and Workload are unavailable for this course. Check back soon for more updates.