AP Seminar

  • No prerequisites. At Clovis West this course will take the place of Honors English 10, a sophomore class.

  • coming soon

  • coming soon

  • Team Project and Presentation

    20% of Score

    Work in teams of 3–5 to identify, investigate, analyze, and evaluate an academic or real-world problem, question, or issue. Your team will design and/or consider options, alternatives, or solutions and develop a multimedia presentation to communicate your conclusion or recommendations. The team project and presentation will be evaluated based on the following components:

    • Individual research report (1,200 words): scored by College Board

    • Team multimedia presentation and defense (8–10 minutes): scored by your teacher

    Individual Research-Based Essay and Presentation

    35% of Score

    College Board will provide stimulus material (texts) representing a range of perspectives focused on a single theme or topic. You will use these texts to identify a research question of your own; research, analyze, evaluate, and select evidence to develop a written argument of your own that you will present; and then you will defend your conclusion. The individual research-based essay and presentation will be evaluated based on the following components:

    • Individual written argument (2,000 words): scored by College Board

    • Individual multimedia presentation (6–8 minutes): scored by your teacher

    • Oral defense (2 questions from the teacher): scored by your teacher

    End-of-Course Exam

    4 questions 45% of Score

    During the AP Exam administration window, you will take a two-hour exam. The exam consists of four questions (three short-answer questions and one essay question). The exam will be scored by College Board–trained readers, similar to other AP Exams.

    • 3 short-answer questions: These questions will be based on a single source. You’ll be asked to explain and analyze an argument.

    • 1 essay question: This question will be based on 4 different sources, which give different perspectives on 1 theme. You’ll be asked to synthesize information and create an evidence-based argument.

  • AP Seminar

    5: 9.0%

    4: 20.0%

    3: 60.0%

    2: 10.0%

    1: 1.0%

    1: 5.0%

More Info

  • College Credit Oppurtunites

    Scores 3, or above, most often give students general elective credit.

    (Click to see Full List of AP Credit at Colleges)

  • Course Synopsis

    “AP Seminar engages students in cross-curricular conversations that explore the complexities of academic and real-world topics and issues by analyzing divergent perspectives.”

    Course Practicalities:

    - investigate a problem or issue

    - analyze arguments

    - compare different perspectives

    - synthesize information from multiple sources

    - communicate ideas individually and in group settings

    College Board 2024

  • College Majors

    For those considering:


    - communications

    - business administration

    - education

    - political science

    - prelaw studies

    (Click to see the College Board’s list). 

 Unfortunately, Complexity and Workload are unavailable for this course. Check back soon for more updates.